Celebrating Hope Despite 2020’s Hardships

Photo via Unsplash/ Kelly Sikkema
There is no way around it: 2020 has been a hard year for so many. It has exposed and exacerbated the pandemics of interpersonal violence, racism and structural inequality within the COVID-19 pandemic.
This year has challenged, and changed, us in unprecedented ways. It has also taught us valuable lessons.
Lesson 1: Holding more than one feeling is possible–and important.
2020 has been challenging. Times have been tough for many of us. It’s important to remember to be gentle with ourselves, as we learn how to hold ourselves, and others, in difficult times.
It is also important to remember that we can hold more than emotion throughout these times: Anger at the fact that racism still exists after 400 years; sorrow for all that we have lost this year, whether it be a loved one, a home, employment, or in-person connections; and fear of getting sick while trying our best to stay healthy.
At the same time, we can also find solace in our individual and collective resilience and remain steadfast in our hope for better days to come. We have made it through this difficult year, and that in itself is an accomplishment worthy of celebration.
Lesson 2: People need community, which can occur in spirit.
Community has always been at the forefront of our work. This year, we had to reimagine what community meant.
Here at CONNECT, we have understood the unique position that survivors have been in this year due to staying home, a place that could be unsafe for them, to minimize their and their children’s exposure to the virus. To help lift the huge burden and responsibilities away from survivors, we became even more intentional about centering our work to engage men, fathers and boys, and moving to interrupt and prevent violence in the home and community.
Through our virtual work, we have realized that we can come together despite having to stay apart. We remain here for you all, as we continue navigating the current state of the world.
Lesson 3: We are all connected.
This pandemic has shown us that humanity is connected in many ways, and that we should therefore care for each other. After all, the actions of a few can affect many.
We have seen this in the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color, and we have also seen it in the ways people vote; the power of the mass protests following The murders of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd by the police; and the effect of our collective responsibility to stay home as much as we can (if we safely can).
We hold the power to make the world a better place for each other. Together, we can create a world full of healthy relationships, safe families and peaceful communities – a world we work toward everyday at CONNECT.
We wish you and your loved ones a safe and peaceful holiday season, and hope 2021 has better things in store for us all.