Monthly Women’s Circle: Post-Election Healing


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During the Election 2020 season, there has been a lot going on, so this election might have felt more stressful with all of the compounded issues. It is important to take care of ourselves during this time. Join us to discuss ways we can do so.

CONNECT recognizes that in recent years the shift in politics, societal views on women, and violence in families and communities has had a substantial impact on women. Therefore, we have decided to re-boot our Women’s Circle and make it a space where women can find refuge from the world, open up about their personal struggles and hold space for each other. The Women's Circle will meet the second Thursday of every month. RSVP to Sharene Roig at

From 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.


127 West 127th Street, Suite 431, New York, NY 10027