Quentin Walcott Represents CONNECT at the White House: The United State of Women Summit, June 2016

On June 14, 2016 CONNECT’s Co-Execuitive Director Quentin Walcott “Q” put CONNECT’s decade pluse gender based violence prevention work on the national platform.
Q joined a national gathering of activists, politicians, actors, and more at the White House’s “The United State of Women Summit” including President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and Oprah. Watch the video here.
Leading the live televised conversation with actor Matt McGorry from “How To Get Away With Murder” Q stressed that among the most important ways a man can become an ally to women is by listening and paying attention to what women are asking of them.
Both Q and Matt McGorry shared the words of the women and feminsts they are inspired by.
“Is it possible that half of a mass of the earth is tied to chains, that the other half could soar to the sky? As women, our dreams, hope, potential, significance, vision, life, our voice is equally as important and vital as men. We are in tandem. What can men do to support women’s issues? Have our backs and listen.” – Viola Davis
“At the heart of male allyship is a willingness to be present, a genuine desire to listen and learn from and with women, and an ongoing committment to teaching and transforming other men.” – Rev. Dr. Sally MacNichol.